So as always, I meet the most wonderful people online. A few weeks ago Shirley posted that she and her nephew were going to be using images from the Digital Two for Tuesday Site on composition books that she alters and then gives to her local cancer patient unit. The patients use these as journals to keep track of their hectic lives in their battle to fight this horrible disease. They can use it to write down info the doctor has told them, meds or even their thoughts and hopes. It is a record of their journey. I thought what a wonderful opportunity for us to use our artwork for a good cause and thus the Jounals of Love challenge was created. So here is the challenge. Make one or more journals using images posted on Clearly Vintage or Digital Two for Tuesday for Shirley to send to the Cancer Unit. You can use a composition book like the journals below, or a bind it all to make your own book or anyway you have to bind your journal. You can add a bookmark or a pocket to your book. Whatever you wish. They can be as simple or intricate as you like. Here is the information about the
hospital where we will be donating them. Shall you choose to take our challenge, you will be doing an extreme mitzvah ( a good deed). I have been taught that the best good deeds for someone you do not know . Also you will be put in a random drawing for a chance to win one of my
Clearly Vintage Stamp sets. There will be three winners. As an added bonus, everyone that enters will have their journal posted onto the Digital Two for Tuesday or Clearly Vintage site. I hope you all will join this exciting challenge and pass the word to make it a success. I will post the address of where to send the books later this week. Here are several beautiful books that Shirley and her nephew Terry have made to get you thinki

ng. The first one is by Terry and other two were made by Shirley.

I made the two below this afternoon.