Please feel free to use any of the vintage images on the website in your artwork. Be sure to share your artwork with us. This is a labor of love and I love to see what you create. Please do not post the original unaltered image on the web but post your artwork and link back to this site for the original image. Please do not sell or post the image alone or in a collection without my permission. Thank you. I can't wait to see what you create!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Digital Two for Tuesday 230

These images are from a Fall 1892 Vaughan's Seed Store catalog.


  1. So, so Pretty! I love these images. Thank you so much Cora. Edwina Brown

  2. Thank you Cora - lovely images

  3. Merci a vous de ce charmant partage,en éspèrant que je n'ai pas fait d'erreurs en
    prenant une image,que j'ai transformé pour mon blog ,s'il y a un problème dites moi et je l'enlève.J'y ai mis un lien vers votre blog.
    Bravo a vous pour ces belles images que j'adore
    Doux week end


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