Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Over 100,000 hits

Celebrate good times! Well we are over 100,000 hits on the blog counter.  Really I think we are closer to 160,000.  Less than a year ago all my counters on my sites reset to 10,000.  I am not sure why but it must have been a glitch in the system.  Anyway, any excuse to celebrate and if the counter says 100,000 hits that is a good enough reason for me.  To celebrate, anyone who makes a card or project with one of the digital images from the last two weeks, I will post your project here and a link to your blog.  Come on everyone take the challenge!  Let's fill up the page with lots of great artwork.  Email your project to me and a link to your blog at  You have until Friday to send me your artwork.


  1. Pity I am not at home... never mind, cuddling my Grand baby is better than crafting....

  2. Congratulations! I am very happy for you. Thank you for this lovely angel.

  3. I used two of your Alice images in my making of a couple trading cards. You may view them on my blog at:

    I can only hope I did them justice. I sure had fun with them, though. Thank you!

  4. Congratulations! So many people love your blog and use your beautiful images!

  5. Congratulations! I´m sure that anybody who visit your blog will stay and look around!!! You gave us a lot of great Artworks to work with ~thanks a bunch !!!

    Greetings from germany

  6. Oh WOW, I just found your site and the art work is stunning. I can hardly wait for time to play!!!

  7. Thank you for sharing your talent

  8. I love the bookmark you made! Very cool!

  9. Very pretty, and I love it as a bookmark. Just got through making a bookmark and may have to turn around and make another one using this fairy. Thanks for sharing.

  10. What a cute faerie! Thank you for sharing.


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