Monday, July 26, 2010

Digital Two for Tuesday 57

Here are two images from a Delineator magazine from the late 1800's.  This week's guest designer has not let us down.  Pauline has created for us two beautiful and colorful cards to celebrate all things vintage.
Here is her bio in her own words.  "I'm Pauline, from Stawell, a small country town in the south east of Australia. I am married with a special needs foster child who has multiple disabilities, and I am an addicted papercrafter! I love cardmaking, scrapbooking and making jewellery.

For several years I loved rubber stamping, paper folding and piecing, then I discovered card embroidery.... I now design my own stitching patterns when commercially available ones don’t suit my need (mostly I design them for the fun of it all!). Last year I discovered digital stamps....and I love them! I have even been playing with my own designs there too! I also started playing with vintage photo images.... and I love them too! My 'style' could be called 'eclectic' ... as I don't quite seem to fit into any category. My favourite colouring mediums are markers, H20s, and chalks. My favourite embellishments are lace, ribbons, paper and silk flowers, buttons, beads and bling!

Thank you Cora for having me back again as a guest host, and for the opportunity to play with your beautiful images! If you would like to more details of the creations I have made with Cora’s images, I invite you to visit my blog.

I have coloured both the beautiful lady images with chalks, and accented with Glaze and Stardust pens. "


  1. Cora, I have downloaded many of your wonderful images & haven't left a comment to say thanks until now. I just want you to know that I appreciate all of your work in preparing & sharing these images with us. They are great & I love having them available to use on the cards I make! I'm wondering if you ever find any images of old dressmaker forms or other sewing implements, like sewing machines or ladies sewing. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Pauline, these cards are stunning!!!

  3. Your sample cards are amazing.

  4. The sample cards are lovely using these vintage images. Great images again this week, Cora.

  5. these are really lovely!thanx! and I love the cards!keep up the good work

  6. Your sample cards are just gorgeous with these vintage ladies! Thanks for sharing them!

  7. Wow, Pauline just did an amazing job with these great images! Stunning colors and design!

  8. I love these images! The sample cards are lovely. Cora, I really appreciate the time you take to post these images. I've snagged quite a few for myself and want to say a special thank you.

  9. These images are Fabulous!! Thanks so much Cora! And great sample cards Pauline!
    Have a great week!

  10. Wow!!! I just saw your Counter!! How exciting!!

  11. Beautiful vintage digital images here! Lovely cards ~jeni :)

  12. Thank you for these beautiful images! Beautiful cards Pauline!


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