Thursday, June 10, 2010

Recipe Challenge Day 4

It is Day 4 and only one more day left of our challenge.  I hope you are enjoying the vintage images.  Most of them are from the The Larkin Housewives Cook Book from 1914.  All the hostesses have been working for over a month to bring you their projects.  Please take the time to look, enjoy and comment on their work.  They all have done an amazing job. Our guest designer today  is Jane.  She has made another beautiful project using the vintage freebie images.  It is so much fun to see how different people are using these images.  I just love Jane's attention to detail. You can see more of her exciting designs on her blog.  Here is a little info about Jane:

"My name is Jane and I have been married to a wonderful man for 30 years. We have three grown daughters and 5 grandsons. I just recently retired and we are in the process of relocating to my husband's hometown.
I have been crafting for most of my life. I have been doing paper crafting for 10 years now. I love the vintage look and also country farm vintage. I had so much fun doing this recipe book. The digi images were so wonderful to work with. I love the digi idea because if you make a mistake you can just print another. Also the storage is great! I love working with all the papers, buttons, ribbons, and anything you use to make beautiful creations.  I am lucky to have been chosen for two permanent positions on two design teams and I am honored to have been chosen by Cora to do this recipe challenge. I hope you love her digi's as much as I do..."


  1. Beautiful project! Love these recipe downloads!!! Thank you so much

  2. I love this entire project! It is inspiring me to organize my recipes and do something nice with them.

  3. Very nice! I have a very large jar with some old family recipes.. will be cleaning them up to pass on to my daughter.


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