Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Recipe Challenge Day 3

Today's guest hostess is Christine from Boise, Idaho.  Christine's excitement over the project can be seen in every page.  She has taken the images added color and vintage papers by The Paper Studio and the buttons are from her vintage stash and the ribbon is rayon seambinding that she dyed herself with watercolor paints. You can see more of her beautiful work and more pages in her vintage cookbook on her blog .  Make sure if you use any other the vintage images or make a recipe book you post your project here in the comments section so we can all see what you create.


  1. Stunning pages! Thank you for these digis!

  2. I am loving these "recipe" images! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Thanks so much for the recipe images - they are absolutely perfect for a heritage cookbook I am enhancing (ie family recipes on paper) :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love to hear from you.