Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

For those of you celebrating Christmas, here are a couple of images for last minute cards.  The first image are brownies or elves and of course Santa below.  Both are from a St Nicholas magazine from the early 1900's.

After our 60 degree weather this past week, it got cold yesterday and we did get a light dusting of snow last night.   Just enough for that wintery feeling but not enough to hinder getting together with family.  Whether you are celebrating or not I hope you take the time off to appreciate friends and family.


  1. Merry Christmas Cora! I hope your day was special in every way. Thank you for these Christmas digis. I love St Nick. He is great! Edwina Brown

  2. Love the Father Christmas image - thanks Cora! Hope you had a great Christmas, all the best for the New Year.

  3. Thanks for sharing these images... Love them both!


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