Saturday, November 5, 2011

We've Got Power

Finally the power is back on.  We stayed at my mother in laws a few nights as the house was about 42 degrees F.  Unfortunately that was a two hour commute to work.  But it was toasty warm.  Most of my friends still do not have power.  Unbelievable!  In honor of the snow I am posting two images from the Little Folks Paint Book.  There is no copyright but I think it is from the late 30's.  These pages are on pulp paper and no matter how clear I get them in editing they seem to show up with spots when I post them.


  1. oh my goodness, I am so sorry for all you have been through. glad you are back home again. it must feel wonderful!
    thank you for these, and all, wonderful images!

  2. Happy to hear your powers back on. Thanks for the beautiful digis.

  3. Thank you for all the lovely images!

  4. Thank you so much for the lovely images!
    Hugs Gisela

  5. Thanks so much! Just loved these images! So glad that life is returning to normal for your family! We've missed you!
    Best wishes,

  6. Glad to hear that you have power again! What a hassle... Thank you for taking the time to share these fantastic images.

  7. These are really nice. I love them. The spots don't show that bad. Thank you! Edwina Brown

  8. Wow I love these, thank you bunches andbunches hugs Cathy

  9. Glad to hear you're back at home with power. Thanks for sharing these lovely images.

  10. Thank you for these adorable images!!! It is just hard to think of snow already.

  11. No power makes me thankful I live now and not 100 years ago! Hope you don't have any more trouble. Thank you for the images.


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