Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Digital Two for Tuesday 104

 This week I am using images from a very old recipe booklet called Favorite Recipes: Save Time and Money put out by Lydia Pinkham.  There are some great graphics I will post here and some fun ads I will be posting  on Clearly Vintage this week.


  1. Beautiful images... Thank you!

  2. I have quite a few books like the ones you are sharing. I love looking at these graphics, they always give me awesome ideas. Thanks for everything.

  3. Remember when your mother probably had on a dress and an apron? Remember when the table was set for a meal and the family gathered 'round?? These are wonderful, they truly are. I thank you so much.

  4. These remind me of my MOM and Grandma...fond memories......thanks so much!

  5. These bring back memories, thank you bunches and bunches. hugs Cathy

  6. I need that recipe book! Thank you for the images.

  7. Thank you so much for these vintage images. What fun.

  8. I used to cook like that and then wised up! All that work and the kids just eat it. Thanks for sharing. jane

  9. Could be my mother too, bless. She would have been 100 next week. Many thanks for both these :)

  10. thank you for the image
    I appreciate you being so kind and sharing with us.
    Bless you, your time, hard work and your amazing talent
    I wish you many more creative years of inspiration!!
    hope you have a marvelous weekend


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