Monday, July 25, 2011

Digital Two for Tuesday 98

Here are the last two from the pattern page I posted before.  The second one has a little bit of an a strange edit.  I had to cut the child out in order to get most of the dress.  You may only want to use the top of the image.


  1. Thanks Cora - these are great images :-)

  2. These are awesome! I also wanted to tell you about a GREAT book I just got that has amazing pictures in it. It's called "Fabrics and Dress" by Rathbone and Tarpley. The copy I have is Copyright 1943. Really some great vintage drawings! Blessings, and thanks for sharing all you do!

  3. Awesome images, Cora. Again, thanks for sharing!!

  4. Gorgeous images once again... Thank you so much.

  5. I can live with a strange edit! Thank you for giving us your time in preparing these images for us.

  6. the second image reminds me of the saying "children should be seen and not heard." Wish we could edit our children sometimes when they come up with their zingers at the most inappropriate times. Thanks for sharing. jane

  7. I thanked you for these earlier, but can't find them in my folder. I must have forgotten to grab them! :D

  8. Wonderful images. thanks so much.


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