Monday, June 27, 2011

Digital Two for Tuesday 94

I have brought out a book from a few months ago and scanned a few more illustrations. I am loving this book Yourself and Your House Wonderful from 1913.  The drawings are so cute.  I love the swimming by the sea picture.  It must have been hot in those bathing suits.


  1. The children playing in the ocean are precious. Thanks for sharing, Cora!

  2. Wow, great, and I always appreciate having more boy images like this!

  3. Thank you very much for sharing these lovely images!

  4. Cora, I have spent the better part of the afternoon going through this blog and Clearly Vintage. I think I've died and went to vintage heaven. I have found so many wonderful images to use in card making. I found some precious travel type/poster images as well - my favorite. I've always loved vintage, but had no way to find the images - which you have done! I will be able to start making some awesome cards (I hope)! I just wanted to thank you for sharing your treasures and how very much it is appreciated.

  5. thanks another two beaut images

  6. Loveley images. Thank you for sharing.

  7. My grandpa kept his swimsuit from those years. It is black and kept him covered! Now a cousin owns it. Thank you for the images.

  8. Thank you again. I love these -- wonderful!

  9. Thank you Cora, yet more to inspire me. Roxy

  10. Thanks so much... The images are beautiful.

  11. I love your digi's they are awesome and they make such wonderful cards. I call them the blast from the past and am going to make a column on my blog to show the cards. I will send you the link when I am done. Thank you so much for your awesome digi's hugs Cathy

  12. Featured three of your images in my latest blog post :)

  13. Great images. I love the baby. Perfect for a baby boy card.
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