Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday Trio 3

Today I have three more images from children's magazines from the 20's.  They are not line drawings but I just love them to decorate Thanksgiving items.  Perhaps some placecards or votives.  Our guest designer today is Debbie.  Debbie used the images to make this amazing box. I love the addeed touch of buttons to really make the project feel vintage.  Here is here description in her own words.  "I think this could be a perfect box to hold a hostess gift (I'm going to buy a candle for it) or one made up and put at each place with just the boy or girl pilgrim and filled with candy or treats."  Debbie got the template for the box at this site.  Please check our more of Debbie's creative paper projects on her blog The Paper Garden.


  1. Love the sepia tones on these boxes - they are delightful!

  2. Yes, the box is very nice. Thank you for these sweet images. Have a great day.

  3. Debbie's project is so neat! She did a great job. I think these images would look great on candles.

  4. Beautiful creations .... I love the patterned paper!
    hugs and blessings,

  5. beautiful images..and fabulous project Deb..

  6. Wow!sweet boxes! i like them!Thank,s for so nice sharing man.
    Plastic Card.


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