Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Digital Two For Tuesday 68

Two beautiful vintage images.  I can't remember the source but it will come to me.  There is no guest hostess this week so I challenge you to make something great.


  1. Cora I love these images - when I was in my pre-teens my parents had some huge old volumes of bound magazines with images of this style in them and these take me back to those days :-)

  2. Cora.. beautiful images... hope you don't mind but I just had to play with them! Check out my card here: http://memoriesfromthevault.blogspot.com/
    I colored the images with color pencils.
    Thanks for sharing!
    God bless!

  3. Thanks for sharing these beautiful images ...You are very generous ...I love making cards with your images ...they fetch me maximum comments

  4. Beautiful images! Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. So elegant! You are so creative in all the different types of images you post and where you find them. Even if I don't use them, just learning about them is so interesting.

  6. http://grannygoodwitch-grannyscards.blogspot.com/2010/10/pink-ribbon.html

    I love all your images. This one was perfect for the cancer awareness card.

    Granny Goodwitch

  7. I ghave made a card using one of your beautiful images .please have a look..http://snehalscreations.blogspot.com/


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