Monday, June 7, 2010

Recipe Challenge Day 1

Next week will be our one year anniversary.  So in honor of that occasion I will be posting from Monday to Friday vintage cookbook images which our guest designers have used to make wonderful recipe books or cards. Each day we will showcase a different international designer and more images.  Be sure to check back everyday and collect all the images.   I hope you will be inspired to make a recipe book for a teacher or a bride and share it with us. 

Our first hostess in Lenet.  Lenet has made for us a beautiful vintage recipe box.  I love how she makes the images blend with the page.  Here is here bio in her own words.
"My Name is Lenet Mos. I live with my husband, two kids, and two ginger tom cats in the Netherlands. I’m a stay at home mom and have always been creative at some way. I discovered scrapbooking about 4 years ago. I started making cards in July 2009. At the moment I’m totally into card making. I think you can say I’m a bit addicted to it. Every spare moment I have, I spend on being creative, I love being creative there is so much more I want to do,but there are not enough hours in a day.
I used a bare elements treasure chest from Creative Imaginations.  I decorated it with paper from K&Company,some lace and I distressed it with tea dye distressing ink from Ranger.  The recipe label at the box is a stamp from Waltzing Mouse.
My blog address : "


  1. just marvellous!!!!
    xxx Margreet

  2. What a beautiful box- and super images! Thank you!

  3. Hee Lenet; ziet er gaaf uit!
    Misschien moet ik ook maar vast beginnen; de oudste moet nog 2 jaar voor hij wrsch uitvliegt, dan moet hij natuurlijk wel de familierecepten mee!

  4. Beautiful! Love the vintage look!

  5. Wow, gorgeous work, I love the recipe box and those images are wonderful
    Claire xx

  6. Beautiful projec! Thanks so much for sharing these images with us.

  7. Thank you so much for such sweet free images!!

  8. beautifull i cant waite until next tuesday

  9. These are GREAT!! Thank you..

  10. Thank U all for the sweet compliments

  11. Thsank you, very nostalgic. Elaine

  12. These are great. Thanks for sharing them.


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