Friday, January 15, 2010

Guest Designer's Wanted

Have you always imagined yourself as a guest designer. So now is your time to shine. You should be a guest designer at Digital Two for Tuesday. I am looking for guest designers for the following dates May 25 and June 1. You will be assigned one Tuesday to wow us with a creation. This is an open call so everyone even previous hosts can answer it. If you are interested in being a guest designer for Two for Tuesday please contact me with a link to your blog or a website where I can see your work at I will then let you know which of the dates you will be assigned. All are welcome. That is what Two for Tuesday is all about trying new things. Your duties will include making a project with one or both of the images from the challenge, a short description of your project,a short bio and to comment on anyones card who participates in the challenge as we all like praise. I will give you the images one week before. They are my choice and sometimes they are different then your usual style. That is part of the challenge. I hope you decide to be a host. Please email me for more information.


  1. I would love to participate but I am a new card maker, not sure I am up to the challenge, perhaps later in the year I would feel I could do a week or 2 . I do love your blog and the wonderful black and white clipart..... amazing what everyone does.

  2. you know that I am here any time to help! I love love love your images! :) sending off an email now......

  3. Hi Cora would love to be a GD again I enjoyed it so much the first time April would be great if possible but any dates available would be fine.

    Lorraine x

  4. Hi Cora. I posted a card using this weeks image, one of last weeks image, and my previous project using an image from Dec. 1.
    Thank you so much for all of your hard work providing these images for us!

  5. I would love to do an image of yours anytime you need. If you need me please let me know. Your images are amazing.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I love to hear from you.