Saturday, June 20, 2009

Can't Wait Until Tuesday

I finally got some time today to create. I am busy working on the next project for Digital Two For Tuesday that includes two new amazing digital images. I have been so inspired by last week's entries that I can't wait to share my new project with you. I am not quite done yet because it is raining here and everything is taking so long to dry. OK, I am going to be patient and wait until Tuesday to post my project. If I post early that would ruin the whole Tuesday thing.

Remember because these are digital images you can print them on transfer paper or directly on fabric. You can re size them or use them over and over to create a pattern. You can change the color just like stamp ink using your computer and printer. If you want you can use only a portion of the image and make your own stamp. Eventually,when your collection of digital stamps is big enough, you could combine images to make a collage digital stamp. ( Which I hope you share.) The idea of this site is to learn from each other and to inspire each other to be creative. Well,I guess you can tell I am excited about this venture.

I wanted to thank all those who have participated so far and especially those of you who have volunteered to be hostesses. You all are so talented and I feel lucky to share in your creativity. I am booked up through Aug 4th for hostesses. If anyone else is interested in being a host or hostess please email me or leave a comment here.

Feel free to tell all your friends and neighbors about the site. The more people we get to participate the more fun it will be for all. I will work on a link for Digital Two For Tuesday with a photo for you to post on your sites. Believe it or not I am not very computer savvy. If any of you know how to easily do this. Please let me know.

Lastly, I can't wait to see what you create so remember to post a link to your creation in the comments section for each challenge.

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